Demetrios A. Demetriades LLC is recognized for its well established practice and reputation in the corporate and commercial law arena, with a specialization in the formation and administration of companies, registration of International Business Branches in Cyprus, formation of trusts as well as regularly being involved in structuring of complex international cross-border transactions and joint ventures.

We provide tax advice and tax planning ideas, developed through our tax planning department, and we exchange ideas with other reputable centres, on new developments and amendments of Double Tax Treaties, local regulations and introduction of new taxation Laws in most foreign jurisdictions where Cyprus is used for routing investment.

We offer our clientele the opportunity of opening personal bank accounts or corporate bank accounts with any commercial bank situated either in Cyprus or abroad. Our banking department assists our clients in taking the most suitable decision for the selection of the most adequate jurisdiction, bank and banking services in order to achieve effective tax planning and asset protection strategies.

Alternative Investment Funds are regulated by the Alternative Investment Funds Law of 2014 and the Supervisory Authority in the (CySEC) ofCyprus. ‘AIF’ or ‘Alternative Investment Fund’ means any collective investment undertaking, including investment compartments.

Advising clients in structuring cross-border mergers, joint-ventures, coordinating acquisitions, corporate restructuring and takeovers. Our team has handled complex transactions and has the ability to monitor and advise successfully the clients on the transaction contemplated, thus enhancing the client’s needs. We can offer financial and tax due diligence on Cyprus companies being the target companies in acquisition transactions, as well as legal and tax advice on such transactions.

Provision of comprehensive advice on all kinds of intellectual property rights, including the protection of trademarks, patents, designs, copyrights and domain names. Our aim is to adopt and implement all measures to safeguard our client’s intellectual property rights and in close co-operation with our clients we secure the protection of same.

Creation of Cyprus International Trusts, including the preparation of the Trust Deeds, opening Bank Accounts for Trusts in Cyprus and abroad and its full operation and management through our Dadlaw Trustees Limited which is our Firm’s Company providing Trustee services to our Cyprus International Trusts.​

To mitigate any exposure risks we can offer you the use of designated office spaces in our newly established DADLAW Business Centre NEO, which is ideally located off John Kennedy Avenue, in the centre of Nicosia.

Partnership is the relation which subsides between persons carrying the business with the view of profit provided that it is not Limited liability Company and it is not formed or incorporated by any other Law other than the partnership Law Cap 116.A Cyprus Partnership has become very important recently in relation to the form of a Limited Liability Company which may form part of the Tax Planning structure involving International Tax Planning.